Defending the status quo with a statement like “society has evolved to how it is today for a reason” is intellectually hollow, and I believe, dishonest. It is an attempt by those who like the current status quo to say to others “Don’t question things. Don’t use your mind. Don’t try to change things for the better.”
However, the very people who say that get all up in arms when they’re not happy. While they’re hypocrites, at least they have the sense then to speak their minds honestly at those times.
Were you all “society has evloved to how it is for a reason” when Donald Trump was in office, or when there are school shootings, or when you watched George Floyd slowly choked to death by police, or when you read that China is sending its Uyghur population to concentration camps and forcibly sterilizing the women, or when you hear that more opponents of Putin fell out of a window, or when you found out that over 1/3rd of Americans are obese, or that over 1/5th of them have mental health problems? Are you upset about nothing at all? Is this just how society has evolved so it must be right?
What if you lived in communist Russia, Nazi germany, Europe in the dark ages, Venezuela now? Would you just say “Society has evolved to how it is today for a reason?” as a defence of the way it was?
It’s true, society does evolve to the way it is for a reason. The reason is that history is moved by ideas. And here’s a newsflash for you: There are good ideas and there are bad ideas. And let’s be clear in breaking this down: on the basis of truthfulness, there are true ideas (ones that correspond to reality) and false ideas (ones that do not correspond to reality); on the basis of morality there moral ideas (ones that correspond to man’s nature as a rational being) and evil ideas (ones that treat man like a herd animal).
Bitcoiners fight for ideas in the quadrant of ideas that are both true and moral. And we will move history. Too bad for you if that ‘irritates’ you or if you find that ‘cultish’. The good news for you is that we will not force you into anything, because we do not treat other human beings as herd animals, even if they behave like sheep.
But if you think for one second that we will let you treat us as sheep, well; first, congratulations for thinking for one second, next time try for a minute, then an hour, then work your way up to your entire waking life, like us; and second, check your premises, because we aren’t actually going to let that happen. Got it? We are going to fight for our freedom and not accept that we don’t have freedom because ‘society has gotten this way for a reason’. We are going to change society for a reason — the reason being we value our freedom.
I don’t need you to agree with everything I say. I respect your freedom to agree or disagree. My pursuit is not to answer to you or win your approval.
I’m after two things: knowing the truth and living it. That’s a constant pursuit. It never ends. My position changes with new facts and experiences. I also happen to share my views as clearly as I can. I am an open book.
You have dozens of articles of mine here where you could find any idea and demonstrate its falsehood with facts and I assure you that I would then modify my position. Instead though, without presenting a single fact to the contrary, you complain about the certainty with which we bitcoiners express our ideas. If you have no certainty about any of your ideas then on what basis do you question ours, since you’re not certain they’re wrong? If you are certain of your ideas, then what kind of hypocrite are you to claim to be irritated by certainty. See, you either think something or you don’t, but you don’t get to tell other people not to think because their thinking ‘irritates’ you. I’m going to think just a little bit harder today than I did yesterday. And a little harder than that tomorrow. Do what you will with that knowledge.
I am principled. I have integrity. I can therefore take rational, integrated, consistent action towards matters like Covid-19, what food I eat, what exercise I do, what I write, what money I hold. I don’t have to rely on compromised and corrupted authorities to order me around. I am a man fighting for his freedom. You’re welcome to be one too. You’re also welcome to take orders from strangers. The choice is yours.